“Not only did we look at the ways of nature and principles and processes that have allowed the natural world to thrive but how these processes can be tremendously helpful in our own personal lives. In addition, we as class members, formed a caring group, a sangha, able to share our own perspectives and concerns in a space that allowed for honesty and vulnerability and we created real friendships. There was much to learn and I would gladly take this class again.” – John Craigo, MPT
The need for healing-individually, collectively and planetarily- was present well before Covid-19. This current pandemic has only put into clear focus the need for change. This program is designed to empower you with timeless wisdom you can practically apply to your life, whether your goal is navigating Coronavirus, addressing climate change, improving relationships, or healing an internal, psychological wound.
The focus of this class is providing you with practical insights for understanding and strategies for actions. Each of the three modules is designed to help you apply ecopsychology to your life. The goal is for you to emerge from the class feeling more informed, empowered and inspired to bring healing and change to your life and the world around you. We have a number of ways to optimize learning:
The class begins in May. Once it begins, you will receive a pre-recorded and downloadable lecture once per week for three weeks based on the different modules. These recordings will be approximately an hour. Additionally, you will also receive lecture notes, reading resources and optional practices and reflections. Because this class is self-paced, you can engage with this material when you have time and interest.
Before the class starts, all registrants will be asked to complete a poll of dates and times they can attend live webinars (provided they are interested). Based on the times that work for the largest number of people, we will schedule a live webinar for each week. This will be optional, and also recorded and shared for those who can’t attend. These webinars will last between an hour and an hour and a half.
Module topics are as follows:
Module 1: Separation vs. Connection
Module 2: Principles and Practices
Module 3: Implementation
This class is fundamentally designed to benefit anyone. However, we’ve identified three primary types of people who could benefit the most:
Those involved in the education, health and healing professions looking to empower their work;
Environmental leaders and activists seeking to expand their resources to optimize their impact and effectiveness
Each group session lasts at most an hour. We set aside 60 minutes to be together; people are welcome to attend for all or part of the time.
Everybody who registers for each coaching session will receive a copy of the webinar, even if you weren’t able to attend live.
We are currently offering an early registration-through April 19th- for only $39. The standard price for this course is $47.
Additionally, we are aware that these times are financially stressful for many people and any extra expense may be burdensome, even with our early registration pricing. Consequently, we are offering generous scholarships. We believe strongly in the importance and value of this material and want it accessible to anyone who really wants to participate. Consequently, please send us an email and we will work something out.