Ecopsychology Resources & Further Reading

The Ecopsychology Initiative (EPI) aims to be a hive of community at the intersection of nature and psychology. If you are wondering where to start, please check out our recommended resources and join us for: 

  • Nature-inspired teachings and free resources
  • Ecopsychological guides and references
  • Updates on cutting-edge classes and offerings
  • Tips on how to achieve individual, collective and planetary healing and regeneration


People who have informed the work of EPI:

Fritjof Capra, Margaret Wheatley, Lynne McTaggert, Lori Pye, Janine Beynus, Charles Eisenstein, Michelle Holliday, Sherri Mitchell, Robin Wall Kimmerer, David Abram, Joanna Macy, E.O Wilson, David Loy, Llewellyn Vaughan- Lee, Wendell Berry, Lyn Margulis, Theodore Roszak, Bill Plotkin, Richard Louv, Paul Kingsnorth, Jon Young, Sandra Ingerman, Rudolph Steiner, Otto Scharmer, Jem Bendell, Linda Buzzell-Saltzman

If you enjoy the work of the EcoPsychology Initiative, you might also be interested in:

Viridis Graduate Institute, ‘Deep Ecology’,, Biomimicry Institute, The Work That Reconnects

Related Terms:

Forest Bathing, Spiritual Ecology, Ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, Systems Theory, Environmental Psychology, Human Ecology, Ecotherapy, Nature Therapy, Shinrinyoku

Organizations, Books & Other Resources:

Center for Ecoliteracy,
Orion Magazine,
The Work that Reconnects/The Great Turning,
Center for Humans and Nature,,,
A Climate To Thrive,,
Yes Magazine,
Animas Valley Institute,
We Are Nature Rising,
The Nature of Business,
Kosmos Journal
Emergence Magazine
Homebound Publications
Wisdom of the Elders,
Biomimicry in Organizations,
Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter,
Designing Regenerative Cultures,
A Reenchanted World,
The Sacred Balance,
The Nature Fix,
Braiding Sweetgrass,
Ecological Psychology,
Nature’s Fortune,
Dark Green Religion,
Thinking in Systems: A Primer,
Wisdom for a Livable Planet,
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth,
Your Brain on Nature,
Radical EcoPsychology,
Nature Love Medicine,
Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind,
Biomimicry in Organizations,
Reinventing Organizations,
Nature’s Operating Instructions,
Networks that Work,
Connecting to Change the World,
Systems Thinking for Social Change,
Fundamentals of Ecopsychology,
Michelle Holliday’s “The Age of Thriveability”,
Kate Raworth’s “Donut Economics”

Join our Newsletter.

    • Nature-inspired teachings and free resources
    • Ecopsychological guides and references 
    • Updates on cutting-edge classes and offerings
    • Tips on how to achieve individual, collective and planetary healing and regeneration
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