
We consult with individuals, groups, and communities to heal problems and accomplish goals.

Custom tailored training.

Private consultations and group trainings are tailored to meet each individual, group or community’s wants and challenges. We use ecopsychology to assess where you are and design systemic solutions that provide comprehensive and holistic services for your unique circumstances.

EPI programming:

Leadership, Climate Psychology, Ecotherapy, Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability, Efficiency, Ecospirituality, Life as an ecosystem or network, Nature of Psychological Development.

“Ten Principles”:

Communication, Teamwork, Diversity, Adaptation, ‘Both And,’ Edges, Relationships, Patterns, Decentralization, Creativity.

Change = Healing & Growth.

EPI’s consultations empower you with practical insights, strategies and skills needed to achieve better organization, engagement, and leadership. The results are healing and growth for you, while increasing your impact around you.