Climate Conversations

I’ve always been interested in flow and what does it mean to be in flow states? How do we live aligned with the current and the flows of life? There are so many different aspects of this, be that the kind within ourselves, spiritually, relationally, and practically. You may have your own insights and ideas about this.

Ecopsychology offers something interesting about this that I’ve been pondering this of late. There are a lot of characteristics that can be associated with flow. One of which that I found in my life, is there tends to be a little more direction and focus – there are increased experiences of purpose, meaning and a kind of coherence.

Sometimes the universe ‘conspires in our favor’ and recently it really aligned with the directions we were already going at EPI. Long ago, we decided we would move into the psychological aspects of climate change for our programming after our seasonal focus on psychological biomimicry. Unbeknownst to anyone else, we’ve been working on a training we’re excited to offer that will look at psychological origins and causes as well as emotional impacts and then ways that we can communicate, act and strategize moving forward.

Totally independently, opportunities have presented themselves lately for us to talk, teach and train on the subject. I’m always humbled and honored when this is the case. Especially when it feels like it’s in flow and in current with other places that we were already planning on as well. 

So, one of the first aspects of the seasonal focus on the Psychology of Climate Change will be looking at Climate Communication. Communication is so important in every area of our lives. 

It is especially important as we address climate change because, without healthy and proper communication, people aren’t as likely to take action. There can be further divisiveness and separation between people not to mention that the coming together and the dialogue just doesn’t feel as supportive and emotionally nurturing, which we’re needing as well. 

Conversely, when we’re engaged in communication in a positive, healthy, conscious way, we can have so many of the outcomes that we are wanting – be that the action and impacts we’re wanting to address climate change, but also fostering more community, conversations and heartfelt ways of processing all that we’re going through.

I am excited for our Fireside Chat where we get to be part of community to explore the inquiry of how do we better communicate around climate change. I hope you’ll join us; as always, nature knows the way.

EcoPsychological Practice

In addition to sharing your message, effective communication involves being present, heart-felt and listening. These are the very things we can experience outdoors when we attend to our body and the environment around us. We learn to listen. This is probably more important than any speaking ability.

You can start by going outside and paying attention. Look and listen, feel and be present. Listen to water lapping, wind blowing, and animals communicating. 

Ecopsycholgical Fireside Chats: Education, Meaningful Engagement and Community

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